A Gray Wolf

The dim wolf or dark wolf (Canis lupus[a]), otherwise called the timber wolf[3][4] or western wolf,[b] is a canid local to the wild and remote regions of Eurasia and North America. It is the biggest surviving individual from its family, with guys averaging 43–45 kg (95–99 lb), and females 36–38.5 kg (79–85 lb).[6] Like the red wolf, it is recognized from different Canis species by its bigger size and less pointed elements, especially on the ears and muzzle.[7] Its winter hide is long and ragged, and transcendently a mottled dark in shading, albeit almost unadulterated white, red, or chestnut to dark additionally occur.[4] Starting 2005,[8] 37 subspecies of C. lupus are perceived by MSW3.

The dim wolf is the second most concentrated individual from the family Canis, after the Ethiopian wolf, as showed by its morphological adjustments to chasing vast prey, its more gregarious nature,[9] and its profoundly progressed expressive behavior.[10][11] It is in any case firmly sufficiently related to littler Canis species, for example, the eastern wolf,[5] coyote,[12] and brilliant jackal[13][14] to create rich half and halves. It is the main types of Canis to have a reach including both the Old and New Worlds,[5] and began in Eurasia amid the Pleistocene, colonizing North America on no less than three separate events amid the Rancholabrean.[5] It is a social creature, going in atomic families comprising of a mated pair, joined by the pair's grown-up offspring.[15] The dark wolf is regularly a pinnacle predator all through its extent, with just people and tigers[9][16][17][18] representing a genuine risk to it. It bolsters basically on substantial ungulates, however it additionally eats littler creatures, animals, remains, and garbage.[4]

The dim wolf is one of the world's best known and all around investigated creatures, with likely a bigger number of books expounded on it than some other natural life species.[19] It has a long history of relationship with people, having been loathed and chased in most peaceful groups due to its assaults on domesticated animals, while alternately being regarded in some agrarian and seeker gatherer societies.[20] In spite of the fact that the apprehension of wolves is pervasive in numerous human social orders, the lion's share of recorded assaults on individuals have been credited to creatures experiencing rabies. Non-frenzied wolves have assaulted and murdered individuals, basically kids, yet this is uncommon, as wolves are generally few, live far from individuals, and have built up a trepidation of people from seekers and shepherd.